A short Yin Yang ~ I Ching locket description:
There was something formless and perfect before the universe was born. It is serene, empty, solitary, unchanging, infinite, eternally present. It is the mother of the universe. For lack of a better name, call it “ Tao” (Lao Tzu) - Out of Tao came “ Taiji “, which then split into “ Yin and Yang ”
The solid line represents Yang, the creative principle. The open line represents Yin, the receptive principle. These principles are also represented in a common circular symbol, known as “ Taijitu ”, but more commonly known in the west as the “Yin Yang” diagram. This symbol is used to describe how seemingly disjoint or opposing forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, giving rise to each other in turn, expressing the idea of complementary of change.
The “ I Ching or Book of Changes ” is over 5000 years old. The cosmology centers on the ideas of the dynamic balance of opposites, the evolution of events as a process, and acceptance of the inevitability of change. The traditional I Ching comprises eight basic trigrams, or stacks of three straight or broken lines. Combined in pairs, one above another, these trigrams make up the “64” hexagrams and each hexagram represents a description of a state or process in the circle of life.
The Yin Yang ~ I Ching locket support you with the 4 mainly basic trigrams:
Oval shape front above: The Receptive ~ earth, north, winter, night
Oval shape front below: The Creative ~ heaven, south, summer, midday
Oval shape back above: The Clinging Fire ~ fire, east, spring, morning
Oval shape back below: The Abysmal ~ water, west, autumn, evening
Combined in pairs you get the following 4 significant and meaningful hexagrams:
Oval shape front: #11 Peace ~ harmony, balance, favorable conditions
Oval shape back: #64 Before Completion ~ uncertainty, unstable conditions
Heart shape front: #08 Holding Together ~ union, cooperation, solidarity
Heart shape back: #14 Prosperity ~ wealth, good fortune, success
This New locket is a Worldwide Unique Design and a perfect gift for Man and Woman
Illusionist Locket that magically transforms into a heart with 2 non-split photos.
You will get the exact locket that is pictured in the photos.